Before you submit your abstract you will need to have the following items ready:
- Your 500-800 words abstract describing the objectives, results, conclusions and significance of
your work. Please feel free to submit an abstract on any topic related to the Conference
- The names and email addresses of all contributing authors
- The full title of the paper as you would like it to appear in the program
- Keywords for your paper.
- Whether you want to submit your paper as peer review paper or non-peer review paper.
- Choice of author(s) as the presenter(s) at the Conference
- Authors of all accepted abstracts must submit a full paper.
When preparing the full paper, please use this template when writing your paper: Paper template (.doc)
The full paper has a maximum length of 15 pages
All abstracts and full papers should be submitted as e-mail attachments in MS Word format to:
One, or more authors of every paper must register for the Conference before 30 August 2016. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of your submission.
If you prepare a country report please read instructions below:
Country Reports
There are several countries in the European region struggling to improve their property markets. The FIG Task Force on Property
Markets aims to carry out a study on the developing/frontier real property markets concerning mainly countries in an economic transition process in
its different phases. Source:
Real estate markets are very complex systems with a big number of relevant influencing factors. The study will include country reports
presenting the current situation, the good practices and the remaining challenges, as well as recommendations concerning improvement and harmonization.
A systematic analysis of a number of “country reports on real estate market” is necessary.
These “country reports” should be conducted and presented by the participants at the High-Level FIG/World Bank Conference,
to be held in Greece, 19-20 September 2016.
A standardized pattern of investigation is needed to create comparable information as basis for reasonable recommendations.
Therefore it is suggested that a country report should include information about the “outcome”, the “framework” and the
“functioning” of the real estate market. Please read the instructions given below.
Proposed content of country reports
When preparing your “country report” please include information about:
A. The “outcome” of the market (illustrated by relevant figures)
- Demand and supply in land and property
- Volume of Transactions
- Price levels and price development of the last 5 years
B. The “framework” within which the market of urban land and property functions:
- Trends in population development, trends in economic development (e. g., GDP, wages), trends in spatial development
(e. g., differentiated in metropolitan areas, other urban areas and rural areas).
- The land use determination by the planning system (types, coverage and availability of plans, their binding character,
planning and development permitting process (participation), development control, level of informality, affordable housing).
- Legal tools available for land development (civil law and public law tools).
- The situation of property registration (e. g. reliability, completeness, openness).
- The tax and subsidy environment (e. g. main regular property taxes, transaction costs, regular tax reductions).
- The property financing system (access to credit)
C. The “functioning” of the market, driving forces and relevant stakeholders
- Price-setting process, property valuation procedures/standards
- Land and Property ownership (distribution of ownership, % of public and state land ownership, % of private ownership)
- The role of relevant stakeholders (real estate agents, building industry, regional or local developers/investors,
governmental agencies, etc.)
- Information platforms and tools
“Case studies”
- Residential property development
- Commercial property development
Please elaborate your country report with simple examples on the functioning and framework of (a) residential
and (b) commercial real estate markets.